Participation of the chain of Hitbodedout at the request of Rav Shalom Arouch !
I take it upon myself to isolate myself every day, at least 15 minutes (no telephone, or similar), to speak with the Creator of the world, in order to pray for the protection of all of Am Israel, the return in good health of our dear soldiers, release of the hostages, that peace should reign among all Jews (may the slander and discord between us disappear, may we only see the good in each other...), and to cry out to Hashem so that in His great Mercy sends us the Mashiach and final deliverance! I commit to doing this every day starting 06/11/2023 until 16/11/2023.
To recite before doing hitbodedut: "I attach myself through this Hitbodedut to all the true Tsadikim of our generation as well as to all the true Tsadikim who are in the ground and particularly to Rabbi Na'hman son of Simha, son of Feigé, may their merit protect us."
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